
Pessoa Valente is formed by professionals with a solid specialization in economic administrative law, having performed throughout their careers intense operations related to legal dimensions of regulation in several sectors of infrastructure, such as airports (ANAC), ports (ANTAQ), highways and railways (ANTT and State Regulatory Agencies), electricity (ANEEL), oil and gas (ANP), mining, telecommunications (ANATEL), radio broadcasting and basic sanitation systems.

Pessoa Valente team also has consolidated experience in the legal solutions of regulatory matters in sanitary regulation and public health (ANVISA), education, third sector and incentive to culture, as well as capacity for acting on regulatory demands involving the financial, insurance and supplementary health sectors (ANS).

In order to deal with the complexity of regulatory matters, our professionals adopt a legal approach that takes into consideration all economic premises involved, cooperating with the strategic planning of the companies.

The orientation of our professionals is designed to attend any possible peculiarity present in concrete problems, in a way to offer legal certainty in fulfilling legal and contractual obligations involved and guaranteeing protection to the investments.

The focus of the offices’ activities is on technical legal advisory to companies that develop public projects or perform public attributions, mainly in executing concession contracts, in which questions related to long-term relationships with the public sector may appear, such as those of economic-financial balance.